2+2 Is Chicken
Everyone has a story. Life can be crazy, and sometimes life hands you something that you never asked for or could never see coming. In the classroom called "life," we are under the false illusion that the formula of "2+2" would always yield the "correct" answer of "4." Sometimes it works out that way, but when it doesn’t, it’s a total bummerama.
We can't make any promises, nor do we have a magic wand that we can wave over you to make it all go away, but we can promise real stories of people who are struggling too. And, because neither of us know how to tell stories without having some fun at the same time, we're going to throw in a few laughs along the way.
So, if you feel isolated, discouraged, or embarrassed by a life circumstance, or, even none at all, hang out with us and hopefully you won't feel so alone. And if you're at all curious about how vomit, a blue man, a bar of soap and the number #25 in a toilet can possibly be topics of our conversation, we welcome you into our craziness.
And who knows? Perhaps you may discover that "your" answer to "2+2" leads you to the very places that you would never have gone to alone...
Peace Out,
Sarah and Courtney
2+2 Is Chicken
5.06.24 Derek Frazier
“Derek Frazier”
Transitions, huh? Have you ever found yourself in one of those moments where you're like, "What just happened?" Even when you see it coming, it can feel like trying to tackle a running back who's zigzagging all over the field. (We’ve never done that, but it sounds like it might be a majorly difficult thing to do.)
Well, it just so happens that we’ve got a real game-changer for you today. Our guest is none other than Derek Frazier, Assistant Offensive Line Coach (we're not quite sure what that is, but it's gotta be totally important) of the Cincinnati Bengals. He's gonna dish out the playbook on how his career's been a touchdown dance mixed with a fumble recovery. And let us tell ya, he and his family have been calling more audibles than a quarterback in the two-minute drill to handle all the transitions this gig throws their way. So strap on your helmet or just do what we did and grab your lip gloss, and get ready for some gridiron wisdom, 'cause this episode's going to be a total touchdown!
And the best part of our interview was that we didn’t even have to break a nail!
Spoiler Alert:
We were totally inspired by Derek's story because, like, no matter who you are or what you do, transitions can be, like, totally harsh, you know? Don't sweat it if you're not into football - you can still totally relate to the struggle of, like, navigating through all that drama!